Horizon Europe Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions consultancy.
We are accredited by TÜBÄ°TAK Pre-Evaluation Support Programme
Horizon Europe Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions Consultancy is a service for design and mentoring the proposal preparation phase of the to research groups on Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions: Postdoctoral Fellowships, Doctoral Networks, Staff Exchanges, COFUND and MSCA and Citizens
We offer a consultancy service focused on Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA). Our expert has ample experience in this field, having worked on MSCA since the 7th Framework Programme as a National Contact Point and National Delegate. As part of a dedicated team, we developed and implemented strategies aimed at improving the quality and quantity of HR in Research, Technology, and Innovation, with a particular emphasis on leading the MSCA Team, resulting in TRAs notable success and Europe-wide recognition, ranking second. Additionally, I provide pre-evaluation services to MSCA Individual Grant Applicants, offering valuable insights, and deliver targeted trainings to enhance the research community's capacity to participate in MSCA more effectively. The aim is to help clients navigate the complexities of MSCA and optimize their chances of success.
Selected Track Records:
Aysun HızıroÄŸlu Aygün; Assistant Professor at ITU Department of Economics: I worked with Burçak Çullu for my MSCA-PF application. She supported me in many ways. She gave constant and timely support throughout the process. She regularly organized meetings with me, reviewed my proposal, and identified and communicated the points to fix. Her expertise helped me in improving my application significantly. She is also a very nice person, communicable and reachable. I am pleased that I worked with Burçak Çullu during the process and I strongly recommend her to others who plan to write MSCA project proposals.
Nazim Kemal Ure; Associate Professor of AI and Data Eng. at Istanbul Technical University: I had the pleasure of working with Burcak Cullu on my MSCA IF application. She helped me drafting my proposal and offered some critical suggestions for improving the quality of the document. She was very detail oriented and spent a significant amount of time on both going through the document and having teleconferences with me. Her experience on Marie Curie programme helped a lot on shaping up what to emphasis on the proposal and how to write sentences that address exactly what the reviewers are expecting to see. Overall, I am very happy with the outcome and I would strongly recommend her to anyone planning to apply to this highly prestigious grant.
Emel Topuz; Gebze Technical University, Assistant Professor; Burcak Cullu was the consultant while preparing my Horizon 2020 MSCA proposal. Her professional support with her great experience in preparing EU projects played a significant role in getting MSCA fellowship. In addition to the fellowship, her consultancy provided me to gain experience about how to think and write for EU and other project proposals. I was very pleased to work with her not only due to her profession as a consultant, but also due to her ethical, kind and cheerful attitude while we were working. Her determination and dedication to improve my proposal gave me a remarkable motivation to work. I would like to have more opportunities to work with her in the future since she is perfectionist at her work, and she is so friendly.
The available links to the selected projects funded MSCA Individual Fellowships:
RADIOFREPOLIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/843320
Skin Cancer Probe: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/896053
SPELEOTOLIA: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/842403
TESNinSAB: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/704803