coaching and business mentoring.
Coaching and Mentoring services have primary focus to coach and mentor the individuals that are in the workforce and the organisations that aim at enhancing their capacity.
Bloomer House offers custom-designed mentoring services: SMEs & Start-Up Mentoring, Mentoring trainings; tailor-made programmes.
Selected References:
Bloomer House Supports REBECA by EURAXESS (the REsearchers BEyond aCAdemia mentoring program) which aims at facilitate that young researchers from all over Europe reflect on their options beyond academia. The mentoring program puts in touch early stage researchers working in European academic institutions with highly-skilled professionals working in Europe in industry, management, and other sectors beyond academia related with science, engineering, mathematics, social science ,and humanities disciplines:
Business Mentor of SEECO: Business Mentor (Åžanlıurfa, Diyarbakır Lot): The aim of SEECO is to empower women socio-economically and to provide social cohesion with a focus on social entrepreneurship. The project provides mentoring and coaching services to its target audience: women and young entrepreneurs under the age of 30. The budget of the project is 39,500,000 Euros. The Project, which was started in 2021, is planned to be completed in 2024. Project activities are Trainings for social entrepreneurs; Needs assessment and market analysis of the region for social entrepreneurs; Grants for the creation of new social enterprises and accelerating existing social enterprises; Establishment of livelihood facilities, workshops, ateliers, and nurseries for women entrepreneurs; Awareness campaigns to raise awareness about social enterprises and Developing social enterprise policy and financing models for Türkiye.
Consultant to 250K Programme to which VIVEKA acts as service provider: The purpose of the TTGV 250K Program is to enable the product or service to be developed with the supports to be developed more effectively while in the idea phase. During the TTGV 250K Program, startup candidates will be focused on Customer Development, and to attend training courses, seminars and workshops. At the same, startups will be trained and mentored on health sector customers, business models and accreditation/certification processes in Turkey in order to help them to solve their problems with their products or services or to meet their needs by receiving information from the sector. Bloomer House contributed to the design process of the service (mentorship and training) as well as developing further the programme itself including but not limited with the selection procedure of the candidates.
TÜBÄ°TAK NEXT Phase Accelerator Programme: Start-up mentor in the NEXT Phase Accelerator Programme which is funded by TÜBÄ°TAK Mentor Interface BIGG + Programme. The aim of this call is to increase the competitive power of domestic and international markets by introducing innovative products of SMEs that benefit from TÜBÄ°TAK R&D and innovation supports with a qualified mentoring mechanism. Bloomer Hoouse mentors have been actively working with 10 different start-ups to enhance their capacities for international outreach as well as enhancing their participation to the international funds and programmes.